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Webinar - The LinkedIn Era - Profiling Your Career with Impact

As an executive seeking opportunities in this fourth industrial revolution - the Digital economy - how you amplify your 'superpowers' to stand out and reach the broadest network is critical. Watermark Search International partnered in a conversation with Renata Bernade - Job Hunting Expert, Career Strategist, and Host of the Job Hunting Podcast to explore why you must have a presence on LinkedIn.  Through the conversation Renata instilled a mindset change in each of us, taking the participants through how to make the biggest impact on LinkedIn and get the algorithm working to our favour.

It was an insightful discussion with a very engaging chat thread (real-time) answering the following questions:

  • Why LinkedIn is 'King' and what it has to do with your executive career
  • The breadth and reach of the Australian LinkedIn platform - members, companies sectors and what this means for your market intelligence
  • What LinkedIn is 'good for' and 'what not'
  • How to make the most of LinkedIn while your sleeping
  • How to amplify your unique superpowers through the 'do's' and 'don'ts' with photo, the About and Experience sections
  • Activity - being strategic and relevant on what you 'like', 'share' and comment on
  • Micro-level networking - etiquette surrounding making meaningful connections 
  • Adjusting your social media messaging for various channels

In summary, the keys to a successful LinkedIn strategy:

  • Promotes your superpowers
  • Works your network at a micro-level - not at scale
  • Works alongside your other communications and social media channels, not in isolation
  • Develops your activity presence that builds your algorithm strategically - versus being 1) a passive user or 2) an active user without a communications strategy

You can watch the full recording of the webinar here.  

​If you would like more information on our Interim Executive webinar series then please contact one of the team today